Saturday, September 6, 2008

Arabian Plastic & Paper Industry LLC

Established in 1998, Arabian Plastic & Paper Industry LLC is one of the leading manufacturers of  PVC Ring Binders, all types of PVC Complimentary items, Paper Boards exporters & Importers located in United Arab Emirates, mainland Abu Dhabi Industrial City (Musaffha – 9) Manufactures of PVC Ring Binders and accessories.

They specialize in the manufacturing PVC Ring Binders, Folders, Card Holders, Clip Boards, Telephone Indexes, Table mats, Tea costar, Flags, Transparent & PVC flexible cover like Note Books, Cheque Books, Passport etc.. These are manufactured In Various Striking and Unique Elegant designs in eighteen different Colors to Supplied at Competitive Rates.

Besides that they have all types of Paper Boards,  like Woodfree, Art Paper, Duplex-Board, Grey Boards, Recycle Paper, Food Boards, Letter Head Paper, Photocopy paper, Envelops etc.. Most of them being Exported & Imported. They also undertake supply to Offshore & Onshore Oil Fields.

Responsive to the requirements of our customers and to provide the best service possible and quality products consistent with their needs at highly competitive prices. Innovate in product design to improve quality, reduce costs and supply consistent high quality products ensuring maximum productivity with close to zero defects

Beautiful Freindship Quote Wallpapers. Please dont Miss them

Career: Medical Analysis - Freedom to win your dreams

Medical Analysis: Freedom to win your dreams
For some, it is all about earning an extra income while for some others it is earning a living and to winning their dreams for themselves. Motives may differ, but the fabulous opportunities offered by Medical Analysis are catching up fast among all.
With a +2 level education and a fair flair of language added with a sense of propriety, you can assertively step into the bludgeoning profession of medical analysis. Along with the attractive proceeds, medical analysis offers you the chance to work from home and at flexible timings. You need not change your routine, your present career, or the time you spend with your loved ones. Just sign into the Medical Analysis training course and enter the ever widening vistas of new-age career opportunities from your home itself.
What is medical analysis/analyst?
Though they seem very similar in the outset, Medical Analysis and Medical Transcription have only a few things in common. Medical Transcription just makes a report of the doctor's statements and suggestions while the Medical Analyst goes through the voice files, analyses them with an experts' eye and prepares the report. To put it in another way, all medical analysts can become a medical transcriptionist; where as all medical transcriptionists may not be able to be a medical analyst.
Gone are the days when they just listen to the doctor and made a verbatim report of the same with out a single amendment. They were known as transcriptionists and their job didn't go beyond just mechanically taking down what they hear. With the coming of medical analysts, medical transcription gave way to a more intelligible way of looking at the entire job. Medical analysts check and cross check the facts with an eye on possible mistakes and human errors and makes a report of their own with the sense, spirit and facts intact. This has helped many a doctor to save their valuable time and energy and subsequently the demand for medical analysts went high.
If you have finished the +2 level successfully and if you have a good command over English, you can try the Medical Analyst Training course. Your capacity to comprehend and analyse things is key to the profession. And a minimum understanding of the computers will always be an added advantage.
The course of six months' duration is aimed at giving you training in Medicine, Pharmacology and language tuition in American English. Practical classes, language preparation, theory and lab training, various medical specialisations and familiarisation of technical terms will take a minimum of six months to complete. The training programme is in such a way that any body with in the age group of 17-60 can easily pick up lessons and be a good medical analyst in the given period. The entrants to the training course will have to pass an initial screening test to be eligible for the course..
Job Avenues
The training course is open to all educated people including common unemployed youths, house wives, students who pursue their higher studies and employees who opted for voluntary retirement.
For Lata Varma and Salpana George, two energetic housewives in Kochi, Medical analysis has opened up a bold and beautiful way of living and making a living of their own. "It was my long search for work-at- home jobs that finally ended up in medical analysis. After completing a training course in a private institute, I started working from my home. The people at the training institute send me files for analysis and I can work at my convenience, day or night. If you can properly utilise your time, medical analysis can bring you big fortune" says Lata Varma.
"The training will give you an understanding of the medical terminology, confidence in English language and train you in the ways of medical analysis." Quips Salpana George "In the beginning, it was a bit difficult to cope with the language and the American way of pronouncing it. But regular training will really help us to understand things better. Slowly and steadily we will be able to pick up even the nuances and be able to analyse and to reasonably prepare the format file. Sooner, we can do the analysis with much ease and be an expert in the field. If you are a hard worker, you can definitely earn more than Rs.25, 000 a month."
A computer of your own with internet connection and the support of a reputed medical analysis company can easily fetch you more than double the money you spend on your training, that too by sitting in your home! Not to mention the attractive incentives!

Super Mobile

Amazing Engineering

ORKUT GREETINGS(gud morning)

Management Education

Management Education

There is no doubt that Management Education is desired by a variety of students from ordinary graduates to professional graduates such as Engineers, Law graduates and even Medical graduates. It has been accepted that training in management helps one rise in the organization to top levels faster. The income, power and status associated with top management jobs are attracting the best of brains to this career. Booming of the economy and chances of jobs abroad in management with management education has also helped make its demand grow. Another attraction is the relative ease of undergoing this course (this course is offered by almost all Universities, and several of their affiliated colleges) and its acceptance of graduate of any discipline as input resulting in it being a choice for almost any graduate.
Management degree programs are multidisciplinary in nature. The two-year MBA program is by far the most popular program among all management programs offered. The MBA program starts with a basic understanding of some foundation areas such as Accounting, Quantitative Techniques, Computers, Communication, Principles of Management and Economics. Then a couple of core/compulsory courses are given in the areas of Finance, Operations, Systems, Human Resource and Marketing.
There are electives that are offered in each of the areas of specialization. It is practice in management students to take electives in one or two areas of specialization. Electives are also provided with specific sectors in mind. Some of them are Insurance, Banking, Small business, Entrepreneurship, Hospital Management, Hospitality management, Retailing, Supply chain and Logistics, IT business, Tourism management, technology management and International business. There is also a trend to have management courses focused on any one of the above sectors.
There are Post Graduate management programs on Entrepreneurship, Hospital management, Supply chain management and logistics etc. These programs are usually called Masters in Entrepreneurship Management(MEM) , Masters in Supply Chain and Logistics management(MSCLM) etc. Such courses become necessary when a sector grows and management practice and research produces enough understanding and changes in that area to create need for a full-fledged course in that area. Such courses also have many core courses as in the MBA program and then go on to cover the courses in the sector concerned. Many such courses such as master of Human resource management, Master of International business etc, have become established.
For a student choosing a management course to study even today MBA is the first choice because of its long existence and universal acceptance. Students are reluctant to make a choice of getting in a narrower specialization by taking a masters program in a sectoral specialization. There are management programs that are offered through distance education. They do not produce as good a learning and training experience as the regular program. However there are regular programs with quality much lower than a good distance education program such as MBA from IGNOU. Distance programs are more suitable for working managers who have the knowledge and experience but do not have the formal qualification, which they would like to acquire the necessary qualification.
MBA program gains popularity because of the wide employment opportunity it offers. Thanks to the general boon in the economy the demand for management graduates exceeds supply. But, there is a note of caution here, quality of the management graduate available is also a very important concern. Because of the proliferation of this course, mainly due to the limited investment needed to start such courses, many institutes have mushroomed all over. This sudden expansion has led to lack of qualified and trained faculty especially at the middle and top levels. This and commercialization of education has created dent in quality of education provided.
Management graduates find employment mainly in the area of sales and marketing with both traditional sector companies as well as FMCG(Fast Moving Consumer Goods). They are also employed in service industry including insurance and banking. Since no other course produces inputs for sales job, most of the higher paid sales jobs are filled with management graduates. Some find jobs in operations in Banks/ Insurance sector. Many get employed in IT companies- in sales, business analysis or HR. Some even take a career in finance management. Human Resource management career is also the option for many specially lady students.. Of late the jobs in supply chain management and logistics sector has been increasing rapidly.
Types of Institutes

The top management Institutes are the Indian Institutes of Management these institutes have very good infrastructure and faculty with fully residential program. Admissions are done after a highly competitive examination (Common Admission Test ,CAT), the best of the students aspiring for management education reach here. The institute and its facilities coupled with peer learning in such a group, produces the much sought after and often overvalued IIM management graduate. Most of the IIT's also have their own management schools but these have not yet made as much of a mark as the IIM.
There are many private national institutes (such as XLRI,XIM,Bajaj) and central University departments that run management programs. The strength of such departments is their tradition and good faculty. Physical facilities are usually not comparable to the IIM's. The competition is lesser here. University departments have lower fees whereas private institutes have high fees.. Some private institutes have uniforms and dress code too.
The next layer of management schools are those run directly by the state Universities. These are constrained by the University setup and function as another of the many departments of the University most of the time. Their strengths again are the rich tradition they have and also the good faculty in the system. Infrastructure and money are their weaknesses. These schools also attract a good number of students.
There is then the youngest among the group, the new management institutes in private or self-financing sector. There are good institutes here and there is very poor quality ones. One should examine the institute and the course it offers before commiting oneself to it. Because one thing is guaranteed the experience is going to be expensive.
This is the time for management education to boom and grow in India, MBA program will remain the most popular program for a long time to come. Since different quality MBA programs come in many forms from many sources at different price the prospective student is advised to exercise informed discretion when choosing the institute and the management course it offers.


